Politics & Poker
I don't play poker but I have been very busy for the last couple of weeks making phone calls to get out the VOTE in FLORIDA, which is a key swing state in this (and every) election. I am not saying which party I am volunteering my time for, but after today's craziness I had two martinis! People are certainly interesting.
Lots of hang-ups, a 98 year old woman who couldn't hear me, a man who voted in Texas (he's a snowbird here), a woman who won't vote because she says she can't get a babysitter (really? Take you kid to the dropbox with you). And a man who is not voting because he is leaving the results up to God. (I guess he can't make a decision). Never a dull moment.
I am recovering with a strong cup of masala tea with ginger, cardamom, cinnamon stick, and black pepper. YUM. I expect to be up late tonight.
Been editing demo videos because my iPad refuses to screen share with Zoom - but we'll be fine. Because of the holidays, I expect to be ready to go in January. Will keep you posted.
Things are looking up. I'm excited that my daughters are each coming to visit me (not at the same time). Jessica (left) arrives on Saturday for a week (she is my birthday gift) and Hilary (right, obviously) is coming for a week at Thanksgiving. Oh, joy! I haven't seen them for a year. I hope they have good weather while they are here - it is cold in New Jersey.
And Phil is coming back to Florida on Sunday, so Jessica, Phil, and I will spend election night all biting our nails together.

So - what have you been doing to keep yourself sane for the last 7 or 8 months? Reading? Baking? Gourmet cooking? Therapy sewing? Binge-watching series on Amazon Prime (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) or Netflix ( I binge-watched Mad Men, which I had never seen because I don't watch tv.). Whatever you are doing, I hope you have voted and I hope you are staying safe.
