the server ate my email address
SO - I have tweaked my address by inserting a dot after the r. Please change my primary email address to I can also be reached at They both work, so use them and delete the old one that claims I don't exist. I am trying to notify everybody I can think of who might want to get in touch with me. ARGH.
For those of us who were in the NY metro area 16 years ago, today's date is indelibly etched in our hearts. On one of the quilt lists there was an immediate response to make a quilt and many people in other parts of the country did so. I could not; I was too close to it and remained shell-shocked for a long time.
It was probably a year later, looking at a piece of fabric I had discharged, I was stunned to see that the construction fence I had used had left an imprint of my subconscious. Only then did I make a journal-sized piece. I stitched it, mounted it, and put it away. Yesterday, cleaning out a closet, I found this...

I also found something else I could have sworn I lost: a small piece I had made with fabric samples from my "Can this Fabric be Saved?" class. Participants brought their ugly fabrics, overprinted them, and then used them. These were my class samples...
Somebody had given me this godawful piece of fabric with chickens on it. Chickens!! Can you imagine????

Other than throwing it in the trash, there was only one thing to do with it: I put it under a silkscreen, got out the paints, and covered up as much of it as possible.

Then I combined it with other fabrics and made a 9"x12" quilt. Believe it or not, I ended up loving this little piece and was so happy to have found it again (along with the before and after fabric).

Finally, I am using my cute little Featherweight tonight for the first time. It sews a gorgeous stitch and I am using it to quilt one of the pieces I made while I was on vacation in Paducah.
Like everyone else, I spent much time checking the weather reports on Florida over the past couple of days.
For those of you asked, my Florida apartment is fine. West Palm Beach got heavy rain and wind, but the buildings in my village are concrete and there was no damage. A few palm fronds and branches are down, but the ducks are apparently hardy survivors. Where do you think they went during the hurricane??
The rest of the state and especially, the keys and the west coast, were not so lucky. I have a lot of friends in the Tampa-St.Pete-Sarasota area and am thinking of you in this mess. Ditto, the Carolinas and Georgia. Sending best thoughts and hopes that you are all ok.
hugs to all of you,